Declutter like a Seller
This is often the most time consuming part of the home preparation process. It also yields a very high return on the investment. In the end, remember, organized clutter is still clutter. The goal is not to make it look neat, but to remove it from your life. Here are our Do’s and Don’ts for decluttering:
Depersonalize your home.
Let it go! More often than not it IS something you can part with.
Basket or box it. If it does not look good, fabulous even, in a basket, box it and send to off-site storage.
Define the term “treasure” BEFORE you get started. Things that may have meant much to you years ago do not necessarily care the same sentiment today.
Split your attention, take one space at a time.
Overthink all the possible outcomes for each item. In this case, your second instinct is more likely right than the first, (don’t keep it!)
Use sentimentality as an excuse. It’s messy.
Buy massive storage off the bat. It is the LAST step after you have decided what you are actually keeping.
Be Convicted: Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions. Decide.